Wednesday 19 September 2012



Energy  is defined as the capacity to do work. The SI unit of energy is the Joule,J and it is a scalar quantity.

Types of energy:

  1. Gravitational potential energy
  2. Kinetic energy
  3. Elastic potential energy
  4. Heat Energy
  5. Sound Energy
  6. Chemical Energy
  7. Nuclear Energy
  8. Electrical Energy

Potential Energy

The potential enery of an object is defined as the energy stored in the object because of its position or its state.
  • Gravitational Potential Energy  = mass(gravity)(height)J
  • Kinetic Energy = 1/2mvv

Principle of Conservation of Energy

  • Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can be transformed from form to another,but the total energy in a system is constant.

                                                Chemical Cell- Chemical energy

                                                        Nuclear Energy

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